Alternative Medicine
Acupuncture is one of the branches of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM). It is the technique of stimulating specific locations on the surface of the body to alter energy flow and physiology. Acupuncture can be diagnostic, as well as therapeutic. We can trace veterinary acupuncture, specifically equine, to about 947-928 BC. So, it’s been around for a LONG time, and the traditional practitioners had many generations of trial and error to get these techniques down.
Dr. Ashley received her training at the Chi Institute in Florida. With this training, we can offer all modalities of acupuncture including dry needling, aqua-acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, and moxibustion. Dr. Ashley is available to chat if you think your horse might benefit from this therapy. Please ask her about the next time she’s on the farm! Additionally, you can give us a call to see if acupuncture might be right for your horse.
An acupuncture session will last about 30-45 minutes including history taking and examination. We often schedule recheck sessions on a 2-4 week schedule for at least a few treatments. After that, we can space sessions out a bit more depending on the patient’s response. While we often get a good result after the first treatment, patients may need 2-3 sessions before full resolution of signs are seen.
Chiropractic Examinations and Adjustments
Dr. Kornatowski is proud to offer chiropractic care for equines of all ages, sizes, and professions. Just like their human counterparts, animals can benefit greatly from chiropractic care. This integrative, holistic therapy can be a wonderful adjunct treatment for many mechanical or neurological issues. Chiropractic examination and adjustment can also help improve baseline wellness in animals when performed regularly.
Chiropractic adjustments work to restore normal movement in all of the joints of the horse’s body, focusing on the joints of the spinal column. These joints are important because the spinal cord travels through them. All of the nerves of the body travel in and out through small holes between the bones. If a joint in the back is not moving correctly, it doesn’t just result in decreased overall movement. This decreased movement can compromise the health of the nerves as well. Restoring proper movement can help improve the health and function of these nerves, and thereby everything these nerves affect.
What does a chiropractic exam involve?
A chiropractic examination begins with a gait analysis to assess how the horse is moving. Watching them walk is typically sufficient. With the horse resting, Dr. Ashley performs a thorough palpation. She assesses spinal temperature, muscle tightness/spasm, and any bony or ligamentous abnormalities. Finally, she motions the individual joints of the spine and extremities through their normal range. She does this to assess for correct movement in all directions. We call an area that is not moving properly a “fixation”. The area of fixation may have muscle spasms associated.
The chiropractic term for this area of decreased movement is “Vertebral Subluxation Complex”, or VSC. By applying an adjustment, we can treat VSCs. An adjustment is a quick (high velocity), short (low amplitude) thrust, which is applied by the practitioner’s hands in a specific line (along the plane of normal movement). We do NOT use instrumentation with animal chiropractic (no mallets!). It also does not generally require any tranquilization or extreme restraint. Once an animal gets used to being adjusted, they often quite like it!
How often does my horse need a chiropractic exam?
Each case is different, so the time between chiropractic exams can vary. Animals do not need to be seen several times per week. Unlike humans, there is no benefit to doing so. This is good news for anyone who has seen a chiropractor themselves. We’re sure you remember how frequent the initial visits were! In cases of acute symptoms, or during the beginning of treatment, re-examination every 2-4 weeks is often ideal. However, as symptoms stabilize, we are often able to stretch out the time between examinations to every 4-6 months.
If you have questions regarding animal chiropractic, please call our office at (860) 376-4373, or email Dr. Ashley directly at
The website for Options for Animals College of Animal Chiropractic (where Dr. Ashley received her training) is also a good source of information.
Chinese Herbal medicines
Our Chinese Herbal Medicine service offers a holistic approach to equine health care, blending ancient practices with modern veterinary science. This service provides natural alternatives for a variety of conditions, from chronic pain and digestive disorders to respiratory and skin issues.
Each herbal formula is carefully selected and tailored to meet the specific needs of your horse, aiming to restore balance and enhance overall well-being. Our experienced team works closely with you to integrate these treatments with conventional therapies, ensuring a comprehensive and personalized care plan for your equine companion.